Hallmark Channel

2020 Countdown to Christmas Movie Guide!!!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! You know, I have to be honest. I saw my first Hallmark movie, “A Godwink Christmas”, about two years ago. My parents are fervent Hallmark Channel watchers but I was dubious of the long term entertainment value. I mean, come on. It’s the same plot over and over and over. Girl is up for a promotion she’s worked her whole career for and has a fiancé or boyfriend that has, shall we say, the romantic radar of a sixteen year old Facetiming on her new iPhone in the middle of a five star restaurant. Girl must go home to her small town to help her family out with some crisis (the town festival is in danger of not happening, the family store is on the verge of closing, the town drunk has decided to become sober). Enter the old boyfriend or new guy in town. They already don’t get along or rub each other the wrong way when they first meet. What a jerk! But then, they are forced to work together on the town crisis, sparks fly, and romance ensues. She then receives word of her promotion and now she’s torn on what to do. There is a misunderstanding that can usually be fixed with a quick, “hey, can I ask you something?” But where’s the “will they or won’t they” tension in that? It’s usually due to the fact that she has decided to dump her loser fiancé/boyfriend and in telling her hometown BFF how it’s just never going to be right with him, new guy over hears this and walks away, assuming it’s about him. She runs to find him to tell him he’s the love of her life and screw that promotion she’s worked 10 years for. She’s going to stay in their small town to run the family business (which she and he saved together) and she’s going to love him the rest of her life. Because who wouldn’t do that after 4 days at home on Christmas break? They finally kiss, the credits roll, and now I have a cavity.

Fast forward to the shit show we like to call 2020. I can do an entirely separate blog on how 2020 has changed so many things in my life (as can most people) and how with all the horribleness that has gone on this year, I needed an escape. Something that can make me feel happy and optimistic about the future. Enter the Hallmark Channel and it’s endless loop of Christmas and year round themed movies. I am now all in. Do I care that many are the same plot? Nope. Do I care that sometimes the acting is really bad? Nope. Do I have my favorite couples and actors? Sure do. Do I follow the Hallmark Hunks on Instagram? Hell yeah!

I LOVE the holidays. And I have become that person that watches Christmas movies in August. Why? Because everything is possible at Christmas. And everything just seems better in life when I watch Ashley Williams decorate a Christmas tree and solve the problems of an entire town with her infectious smile and unbelievably likable charm, all while baking cookies from scratch. It is because of this new found love, that I have decided to start the Hallmark Movies section of All I Do Is Stream with the ultimate Hallmark Channel movie list….the 2020 Countdown to Christmas movie premieres!!!!!

I have downloaded the checklist from their website (yes I’m that dorky) and I am so excited to share it with you so you can be as prepped as I am for all the gooeyness. Right now, I’m most excited for Jingle Bell Bride, Chateau Christmas, One Royal Holiday, On the 12th Date of Christmas, If I Only Had Christmas, and Christmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing. If you have a suggestion for me, please comment and let me know what you think! Remember, these are just the new movies for 2020, not all the Christmas movies.

As we get through the movies, I’ll start ranking my favorites and post them here. Can’t wait to hear what some of your favorites are and what you suggest I watch!